De la Schonfeld am ajuns intr-una din zile la Obertauern. Poate in cea mai viscolita dintre toate.
Obertauern is a famous tourist destination which is located in the Radstadter Tauern in the Salzburger Land of Austria. In Obertauern you have the possibility of making a whole round – the so called Tauern round, because the ski lifts are situated around the village. The ski bridges make it possible to pass over the main street safely. You can start the Tauern round at every lift and it will end at the starting point. It’s also possible to use the slopes which are not included in the Tauern round because the signage is very good. The slopes are marked with colors, which show the degree of difficulty. (wiki)
octavian brezean says
excelent, salutari din nametzi romaneshti infofolitzilor! ๐
distractie placuta in continuare!
ogara says
matale e?ti Alinul din dreapta? ?i foto se f?cu singuric??
?i c?t mai stai p-acolo? da papa cum e? saun? nu face?i? sau s? sta?i ?n lulu gol ?ntr-un bazin ?n z?pad? ๐ …… ?i?i?i?i …..
?i esti ?n con?ed? :))
Alin Neamtu says
Eu sunt in dreapta. Foto e mixaj din doua, una facuta de mine si una de Cipri pe care-l “tin” dupa umar. E cea mai simpla varianta de poza de grup in concedii. Am mai dat aparatu la straini care faceau poze cu picioare taiate.
Acu-s acasa, poza e de acu trei saptamani. De atunci am plecat in Croatia si m-am intors si de acolo. Dar pun pe rand pozele. O sa pun un post cu Schonfeld sa vezi cum fu. Fara lulu. Nu l-am pozat ๐