A inceput cu hardul. DSLR-urile Nikon sunt pentru toate gusturile (D40 si D60 pentru entuziasti, D300 si D90 pentru prosumeri, D700 si D3 pentru profesionisti). A continuat cu softul. Capture NX2 este un editor de imagine complet si promoveaza formatul NEF ca format general de prelucrare nedistructiva a imaginii (asemeni formatului psd). A schimbat marketingul clasic cu tehnici moderne de nisa, cum ar fi zvonurile (nikon rumours) pe forumuri sau crearea de evanghelisti (vezi evangelism marketing) care sa construiasca o imagine de succes a produselor sale. Lansarea D90 pe dpreview si evanghelismul lui Ken Rockwell sunt un bun exemplu. A folosit endorsmentul unei figuri publice (lasarea D700 in Romania – imaginea Adelin Petrisor). Iar acum doua zile Nikon a semnat un parteneriat de cross-licencing cu Microsoft.
Well done Nikon.
REDMOND, Wash., and TOKYO “Aug. 27, 2008” Microsoft Corp. and Nikon Corp. have signed a patent cross-licensing agreement to further the development of each company’s current and future product lines.
The agreement covers digital cameras made by Nikon as well as a broad range of other consumer products each company manufactures and sells. The agreement was signed by representatives from both companies at Microsoft?s headquarters in Redmond, Wash. Although the contents of the agreement have not been disclosed, the parties indicated that Microsoft is being compensated by Nikon (…)
(P.S. Totusi, I love Canon 5D, asa ca stam cu ochii pe fiul sau 5D Mk II, un alt rumour pe cale sa explodeze in realitate)
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