Celebrele cuvinte ale lui Hemingway au inspirat pe unii sa puna bazele teoriei iceberg-ului aplicabila in principal in comunicare. Teoria spune ca intr-un proces de comunicare suntem atenti de cele mai multe ori doar la mesaj si nu la mecanismele care-l genereaza. Cunoscand aceste mecanisme (partea scufundata a icebergului) vom intelege mai bine realitatea mesajului dincolo de cuvintele de la suprafata.
Iceberg Theory is a useful model to understand where and how Systems Thinking can take shape in our day to day living. Essentially it says that what is above the water level is called Events, some things we see or observe easily. Over time, these events form certain patterns and trend, IF we care to examine closely, or go deeper down the water level. Iceberg theory says that there is another deepest level of “things” called “Structures” which really drive the pattern of behavior, giving rise to the various events or symptoms that we easily observe or see.
Hence to better understand why the phenomena or situation, we need to acquire the discipline of going deeper down the iceberg to “see” or understand the structures, which are the fundamental drivers. Otherwise, we tend to be REACTIVE when encountered with Events. Our response becomes better if we can see the Pattern, as we tend to adapt or anticipate. We become wiser, if we can “see” the Structure as we can be Generative or Creative.
(Andrew Wong)
Haines Iceberg Theory of Change.
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